View a breakdown of social traffic to a website including social traffic over time and distribution of traffic across different social media platforms.
Analyze the traffic sent to a website from social media platforms to identify where your competitors are focusing their efforts and how effectively these social networks are driving traffic. Use these insights to understand which social networks you should be investing more in!
To evaluate social traffic for up to five sites, follow these steps:
On this page, you’ll find the Social Traffic over time graph. Use this graph to understand social traffic trends to the analyzed site(s) over time.
You’ll also find the distribution of social traffic from the top social networks across the analyzed sites. Identify where your competitors are investing most of their social efforts with this side-by-side comparison.
Social Visits: Sum of site visits (non-unique) from social sources over the selected time period.
Referring Pages: The distribution of social visits by social network.
Change: Percentage change in traffic share from the last month of the analyzed time period to the previous month.
Why do I see non-social sites when analyzing social traffic sources?
Non-social websites can appear in the Social Overview section. This is due to indirect social referrals.
This can occur for a number of reasons:
Comments widgets of a certain social network that are incorporated in a regular domain.
Social news feed incorporated in a regular domain.
API integration: Most social networks offer a way of integrating some of their features through an API in non-social networks.
Social links in emails: A lot of your social traffic actually comes from links placed in emails, either through content or through social widgets integrated inside email platforms (this explains why Gmail sometimes appears in this section).
What does it mean when I see "social" as a source?
The "social" source is a default classification for when we do not have a high confidence in the origin of the social traffic. This differs from "Others", as that refers to traffic we were able to identify the origins of, however their name is not listed on our platform.
Try it now! Website Analysis. Enter a website and go to Social Overview.
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