Similarweb's Search 3.0 data set combines real-user data with powerful SERP data to provide even greater depth of coverage, freshness, and granularity of search insight that Similarweb users have come to expect in today’s SEO and paid search landscape.

Our new Search 3.0 data recalibrates every day, ensuring users have the most up-to-date intelligence on what is happening in their own and their competitors' search eco-system. This dataset offers more granularities, freshness and extended coverage. Search 3.0 data also enables:

  • Access to a larger database of long-tail keywords that drive clicks
  • A combination of mobile and desktop data insights (All Traffic), as well as split device views. 
  • A ‘Last 28 days’ view that ensures you see near real-time search data results 
  • Daily, weekly and monthly traffic trend insights for any website and keyword or keyword group
  • Optimize paid search across devices
  • View the entire SERP and decide whether to invest in paid or organic keywords to maximize ROI.

What is the value?

  • For SEO teams: Our Search 3.0 data supports better keyword research and competitive analysis. As SEO teams are tasked with finding the right keywords to target and rank for. They can find keywords by starting with a seed term/topic or by reviewing competitors' SEO assets.
    • Search 3.0 data has incredible long-tail attributes, which offers unique opportunities for finding those niche, easier to rank-for search terms. Combine this with incredibly accurate click data and SEO managers can see exactly what is driving traffic in near real-time.
  • For Content teams: Search 3.0 data better supports their ability to create content that ranks. Search 3.0 data provides better targeting of keywords, helping Content writers to understand who is already ranking highly for those keywords and enables them to find more long-tail keywords and new angles for content ideas.
    For Paid Search Marketers: In today’s hyper-competitive SERP landscape Paid Search Marketers need to spend their ad budget strategically in order to maximize ROAS. Search 3.0 data provides advanced PPC insights - like spikes in search volume and paid clicks, highlighting what their audiences are searching for - and ultimately ensuring that each dollar spent drives actual results.
  • For Marketing leaders: Search 3.0 data provides unparalleled competitive analysis and understanding of keywords their business should be owning. Fresh, granular, click-driven data their teams can rely on.
  • For Investors: Search 3.0 provides actionable insights to analyze market trends, assess company performance, and predict growth. With daily updates and granular data, investors can uncover shifts in demand, track competitors, and build predictive models for smarter decisions.

Whether your primary use for Similarweb is conducting Keyword Research, Organic or Paid Keyword Analysis, strategic decisions in market research, consumer insights,monitoring your Competitor’s search performance or conducting predictive AI modeling - Search 3.0 data will provide you with a fresher and broader data set to perform your daily tasks.

Why is Search 3.0 different from other search datasets?

We believe that our data is more reliable, robust, and fresh than any other SEO tool out there because:

  1. We provide traffic estimations for every traffic-driving URL on every keyword every day. This is enabled by our proprietary Daily Search Volume that derives the most granular traffic estimations available.
  2. Our keyword database is continually expanding. While quantity is incredibly important, the amount of keywords available is meaningless without the quality of keyword data that SEO and Paid Search Marketers need. Search 3.0 data powers our tools to provide more targeted, precise keywords - not just every single keyword that has ever been searched (you don’t need ‘best laptop 2017’ as a keyword for your SEO strategy), or duplicate keywords you have to manually sort through yourself (a problem we hear about other tools all too often).
  3. Similarweb is the only tool that provides data for the "last 28 days." You can see what’s trending, and what’s performing to stay one step ahead. Even evergreen content should be backed up by the most up-to-date search terms and search volume.
  4. Our Advanced Clicks and Search Volume metrics provide a more accurate picture of what’s happening on the SERPs.

How do we calculate our search metrics?

Similarweb aligns with the SEO industry standard for search metrics, measuring "Search Volume" and "Clicks" based on keyword, country, and URL. "Clicks" represent individual instances of a link being clicked from the SERP, while "Search Volume" reflects the number of searches for a specific keyword on Google.

Our models precisely predict the CTR (click-through-rate) for every URL, and we can estimate how many clicks were made with the Search Volume of a keyword.

Additional metric definitions:

  • Volume is based on comprehensive data, from device level, from our contributory network and the real searches they are making .
  • Click-Through-Rate (CTR) is based on our data from our contributory network, Google Ads, and Google Search Console. Further modeling provides a prediction for the CTR for every URL in the SERP, and is updated every day so that you get a real-time CTR.
  • Clicks is a hybrid module combining the clicks data from our contributory network and our CTR model, providing estimations to a wide coverage of clicks overall keyword-url pairs.
  • Paid Competition - "Competition" is a Google Ads metric that indicates how competitive ad placement is for a particular keyword. It is determined by the number of advertisers bidding on each keyword. In essence, a higher competition score suggests that more advertisers are competing for ad placement using that keyword.

Where can I use Search 3.0 data?

All Keyword data on Similarweb Platform or through our API uses Search 3.0 data, but please note that more significant changes have been made to our API endpoints and these are the new links:


Q: How far back can Search 3.0 data be applied?

A: The data is available from January 1st, 2023, and will continue to be added as we move further in time.

Q: What is the granularity available with the Search 3.0 dataset?

A: The Search 3.0 dataset offers  daily, weekly, and monthly volume and clicks per keyword URL for both desktop and mobile. This means that the data is updated daily, providing near real-time keyword analysis.

Q: In the Developer Hub of the API I don’t see a daily granularity in all endpoints. How can I consume it?
A: In the batch API you can consume it in a daily granularity. The REST endpoints mimic the behavior of the related features in the platform. As for today, it offers Monthly and 28-days views for more fresh data. Hence, as the granularity will deepen in the platform, you could find it available in the API.

Q: What countries will be accessible with Search 3.0 data?

A: Search 3.0 is available for all countries supported on Similarweb. Each user can access the country filters associated with their account.

Q: For which search engines do you provide estimates?

A: Volume data is based solely on Google searches, which is the standard in the industry. When it comes to traffic estimation, our main focus is on Google. However, for desktop, we also estimate clicks for all search engines available.

Q: What are “Clicks,” and how do they differ from “Visits” that we have in the platform today?

A: Visits, also known as sessions, represent the number of times a site was visited within a 30-minute session. Clicks, on the other hand, indicate the number of times users searched and then clicked to go to a site. In the case of multiple searches within a visit, each click from Google to the site is counted as a separate click. 

Q: Why is keyword traffic different between the previous keyword data and Search 3.0?

A: Each of the new pages is built on a different infrastructure, using a different data methodology. The new Search 3.0 dataset, which collects data from the SERP, combines it with real user behavior from Similarweb's largest contributory network  and utilizes a machine learning algorithm to create estimations at the keyword level per URL. This change enables us to deliver the freshest data with greater granularity and expand our coverage. Note that in the new Search 3.0 pages, the metric you are seeing traffic for is Clicks, while on the old Keywords pages, the metric was Visits

Q: Why are Total Clicks not aligned with MMX Search Visits? 

A: The MMX represents the entire site search traffic, while Total Organic Clicks only represent traffic for identified keywords. There are cases where we estimate organic traffic but cannot identify the specific keywords that contribute to it. 

Q: Will the transition to Search 3.0 impact my existing keyword lists, dashboards and reports?
A: No, your existing keyword lists, dashboards and reports will remain intact during if you are transitioning to Search 3.0 Data. The new dataset will only affect the new features explicitly mentioned.

Q: Will any transition affect my account settings or configurations?
A: No, transitioning to Search 3.0 will not impact your account settings or configurations. You can continue to use the platform as usual, and any changes will be seamlessly integrated into the existing framework.

Q: How often is the Search 3.0 dataset updated?
The Search 3.0 dataset undergoes updates on a daily basis, aligning with our SLA of 72 hours. While it's not truly real-time, our updates ensure that users receive timely data, revealing search behavior from up to two days ago. This frequency enables users to stay informed about the latest trends and developments on the search engine results pages (SERPs), empowering them to make informed decisions based on recent data.

Q: Will there be more changes in this data?

A: Even though we have reached a broad and improved dataset, we always try to improve and optimize our data. We will continue to invest a lot of effort to keep this dataset the most advanced and accurate, expanding its coverage and continuing adding more features. Our goal is to give you the best data, always.


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