Please provide a link to the page where you're experiencing the issue. You can also visit our Knowledge Center for additional troubleshooting steps that may resolve your issue:
For quicker assistance, please include a link to the page on the Similarweb platform that your question is in reference to.
Learn more about Batch API error codes here:
Learn more about Rest API error codes here:
(Example: 319b7f35-0544-4c22-8605-46abe7db0fe7)
Please enter the site's URL (ex:
Learn more about error messages here:
You can visit Google's help center for instructions on how to find your GA Measurement ID:
Please provide the email associated with your Google Analytics account if it's not the same as the email provided above.
You can disconnect GA from Similarweb by yourself by following the instructions here:
Provide any additional details to help us assist you. If you are experiencing an error/bug, please provide as much information as possible including steps to reproduce the issue.
If you are experiencing an issue related to a specific API endpoint, please provide it here including all requested parameters.