View rank information of an app and its competitors per country over the analyzed time period with Ranking History.

What is the value of Ranking History insights?

App Store Ranking History provides a historical picture of an app’s success in reaching its audience (Top Free) and generating revenue (Top Grossing apps and Top Paid). Analyzing an app’s ranking over time shows where your competitors are focusing their marketing and development efforts and uncovers opportunities to optimize your mobile app marketing strategy.

Store ranking data is taken directly from the Google Play Store and iOS App Store and is referred to as the “ground truth” for app developers and all other players in the app ecosystem.

How to use Ranking History

To view ranking history for up to five apps, follow these steps:

  1. Within Competitive Research, go to the App Analytics Module. 

  2. Navigate to the App Store section, and go to the Ranking History page.

  3. To customize your analysis:

    - Click +Add to compare up to 5 apps.
    - Use the filters in the top right to select the time frame, country filter, and device type you'd like to analyze.
    - Filter the table by “Top Free” or “Top Grossing”.
    - Use the category filter at the top of the graph -  select “All” to view the app’s ranking in relation to all other apps, or select the relevant category to view the app’s ranking in relation to other apps in the same category.
App Store ranking (Daily)

App Store Ranking shows the daily ranking for the analyzed apps(s), compared to all other apps and the main category of the app, along with the day-over-day change.

App Store ranking over time

Scroll down to the App Store ranking over time to view the historical trend of the analyzed app’s ranking performance. 

Use the category filter at the top of the graph to focus your analysis. Select “All” to view the app’s ranking in relation to all other apps, or select the relevant category to view the app’s ranking in relation to other apps in the category.

Key metrics & insights

  • Daily Ranking: Apps Ranking for the most recent date, as is seen on the Daily Ranking page.

  • Change: Day-over-day change in ranking.

  • App Category

  • Top Free

  • Top Grossing


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