The Similarweb Extension provides key traffic metrics and performance insights for supported websites. Use this "on-the-go" tool for a quick and comprehensive competitive analysis of your site's traffic.

What is the value?

The Similarweb Extension provides a broad overview of the key traffic insights for your website, including traffic and engagement, visits over time, traffic share by geographic region, and marketing channel traffic distribution.

Ranking, Traffic, & Engagement

Key metrics & insights:

Global Rank: Ranking based on the highest sum of monthly unique visitors and pageviews globally.

Country Rank: Based on website ranking in the country sending the most traffic to the site. Rank is defined by the highest sum of monthly unique visitors and pageviews.

Category Rank: Highest sum of monthly unique visitors and page views for the category to which the primary website belongs.

Total Visits: Sum of all visits to the domain for the selected time period. Use Total Visits to understand the overall number of interactions with a website.

Visit Duration: Average duration of the visit in hours, minutes, and seconds (this average includes bounced visits).

Pages/Visit: Average pages per visit for the selected time period. Remember that for most sites, the goal is to keep users engaged, nurture their interest, and encourage them to take the next step - therefore the greater the Pages/Visit is the more engaged their audience is with their brand.

Bounce Rate: Percentage of visitors who enter a site and then leave after visiting only one page.


The Geography graph shows the top five countries sending traffic to the website, and their percentage of total traffic share.

Marketing Channels

The Channels overview shows the percentage of incoming traffic from each marketing channel.

Key metrics & insights:

Direct: Traffic from users directly entering the URL, using a bookmark or saved link, etc. Direct traffic can be used as a barometer for brand strength (awareness and demand).

Email: Website that receives a large amount of traffic from email is likely to have a large loyal customer base that engages via an owned mailing list.

Referrals: Website that receives a large amount of traffic from referrals is likely to have a strong affiliate strategy or enjoy significant media coverage.

Social: A website that generates high and consistent traffic from social networks is likely to have a loyal community of users. Note: Traffic from Facebook, via the Facebook Ad Network, is tracked as social traffic.

Organic Search: Refers to the search results of a search engine that cannot be influenced by paid advertising. Is the site well-optimized for SEO? When there’s a correlation with direct traffic, it indicates strong brand awareness as many organic visits are generated by branded terms.

Paid Search: A website that generates a large amount of traffic from paid search is spending advertising budgets on increasing brand awareness or targeting relevant audiences for specific products.

Display Advertising: A website that generates a large amount of traffic from display ads is using advertising budgets on increasing brand awareness or targeting relevant audiences for specific products.


Why do I see “Not enough data”, “N/A”, or & <5000 visits for some websites?

When the traffic volume to a website is too low to allow for accurate traffic estimations to be made, the message "Not enough data" or “'N/A”' will be displayed when analyzing the site.

For sites showing <5000 visits, the site is being monitored but there is little data coming from our sources, and so we estimate a minimal number of visits.

Can I see Google Analytics data for a site in the Similarweb extension?

Yes! If a site has their Google Analytics publicly connected, you will be able to view that data on the Similarweb extension.

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