A session is a period of time when a user interacts with an app. Session time is a primary measure of user engagement as it records the length and frequency of end-user.

The definition of a session differs depending on whether you are referencing our iOS or Android estimates.

Android: A session for Android is captured when an app is in the foreground. If the user goes from an app to a different app, say to send a text, the session is stopped because the app is no longer in the foreground.

iOS: A session for iOS is captured as active when the app is in the foreground and when moved to the background. A session will timeout and stop at around 5 minutes.


Similarweb App Analysis Session Metrics

For more information about Similarweb session metrics and other app engagement metrics, visit App Engagement.

  • Session per User: The average number of sessions for a user in a day. 

  • Avg. Session Time: The average session length for a user in a day.

  • Total Session Time: The average total session time a user spends in the app in a day.


When you download this data to excel, Avg. Session Time and Total Session Time are displayed in seconds.

App Analysis powered by data.ai Session Metrics

For more information about App Analysis powered by data.ai session metrics and other app engagement metrics, visit App Engagement powered by data.ai.

  • Total Sessions: The total number of sessions by all active users per month, during the selected time period.

  • Total Time: The total time, in minutes, that all active users spent in the app, during the selected time period.

  • Avg. Sessions: The monthly average number of sessions per active user, during the selected time period.

  • Avg. Time Spent: The monthly total time spent in an app per active user, during the selected time period.

  • Avg. Session Length: The monthly average time spent in an app per session, per active user, during the selected time period.

Using these metrics

These metrics help our customers answer the critical questions needed to build a highly successful engagement strategy.

By combining analysis of session metadata (e.g., average sessions time) and then analyzing behavior across a user base, app businesses can identify opportunities or problems within their apps that can be optimized for improved user retention and user engagement.

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