Gain access to global website ranking data for your website and your competitor's websites using Similarweb's free DigitalRank API.

How to use the Website Ranking API

It can be challenging to get visibility into how websites are performing and see how your website ranks among the competition and industry. Similarweb offers several API solutions, including the new Similarweb's Website DigitalRank API.

The Website DigitalRank API provides you with access to global website ranking data at no cost so you can:

  • Benchmark your site against your competitors

  • Identify new growth opportunities

  • Prove the success of your website

  • Uncover potential partnerships

Similarweb derives digital rank and traffic data from over 10 billion daily digital signals that we've developed over 10 years. This vast network of signals provides the scale and accuracy that make Similarweb the leader in digital intelligence.

Based on simple REST principles, DigitalRank API uses standard HTTP response codes and authentication.


Maximum 100 data credits per month at no cost. For more data or capabilities, reach out to a sales representative.


For information on Getting Started using Digital Rank API, technical documentation and instructions, FAQs and Error Codes, visit Digital Rank API in the Similarweb Developer Hub - our one stop shop for all of your API needs.

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