Under Consumer Behavior, Basket Analysis provides insights that allow you to uncover brands purchased in the same transaction as the selected brand. For this report, you can select a date range of the past 6, 12, or 18 months.

In Basket Distribution, you can see:

  • By Number of Brands: Distribution of baskets that included the selected brand.

  • By Number of Products: Percentage of baskets that included one, two, three, or more than four products. If a consumer purchases two items of the same product, it is counted as one product. All baskets include at least one product by the selected brand.


In the Brand Basket Mix table, you can view:

  • Mixed Brand: Brand that was purchased in the same transaction as the selected brand.

  • Frequency: Percentage of transactions that included the selected brand and the mixed brand. 

  • Avg. Order Value: Average amount customers spend on baskets that include both the selected brand and the mixed brand.

  • Select Brand AOV Share: Selected brand's share out of the average order value.

  • Mixed Brand AOV Share: Mixed brand's share out of the average order value.


Tip: When the selected brand appears as the Mixed Brand, buyers purchased a few of the brand’s products in the same transaction. 

Feature Location

Shopper Intelligence > Consumer Behavior > Basket Analysis

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