Analyze the percentage of overlapping shoppers between Amazon and other sites over time.


How to Use Shopper Overlap

Select a category and then brand to analyze.

Note: Using the filter in the upper right, select the period of time for your data.

The Monthly Audience Overlap graph allows you to analyze overlapping between shoppers on Amazon and other websites.

In the table, you can see:

  • Website Overlap: Percentage of visitors to the selected Amazon domain, category, and brand that also visited in the in-line domain within the same day.

  • Amazon Overlap: Percentage of visitors to the in-line domain that also visited in the selected Amazon domain, category, and brand within the same day.

Note: You can filter by website.

The Category Shopper Overlap graph allows you to analyze overlapping shoppers between Amazon and specific categories on Walmart, Target, and Best Buy.

Note: You can filter by category.

Feature Location

Shopper Intelligence > Traffic Sources > Audience Overlap

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