Get a look below the surface of any website with Similarweb’s Popular Pages feature. Discover the top pages and best performing content on a domain at page level.


What is the value of identifying the most visited pages on a website?

Popular Pages is an important step to going deeper by analyzing a website at page level instead of total traffic to the domain. Understanding the popularity of top pages on a website allows you to:

  • Find which content and topics are “hot and trending”: Where are audiences browsing, and how are their interests changing?

  • Track competitor’s marketing campaigns and promotions: Are my competitor’s marketing campaigns and promotions driving traffic to their site?

  • Track brand and product interest: Which brands and products on my competitor’s site are getting the most attention and driving the most traffic?

  • Understand how audiences browse a competitor’s website: How are audiences using on-site search to browse content or products?

PREMIUM FEATURE: Note that Pages is a premium feature only available in some package levels or through the Popular Pages add-on.

If you would like more information, please contact your Similarweb Account Manager.

How to find the most popular pages of a website

To view traffic share of top web pages for up to five sites, follow these steps:

  1. Under Website Research, go to Website Analysis and input the website of focus.

  2. From the lefthand navigation menu, go to Popular Pages, found under Website Structure.

  3. To target your analysis, click +Compare and add up to four additional websites.

  4. Using the filters in the upper right, set the time period and country that you would like to analyze.

The Pages feature provides a view of the most visited web pages for each of the analyzed domains. Use the toggle filter to analyze each domain.

Important:  The Pages feature will analyze up to 10,000 pages per site.


Apply the filters at the top of the table to target your analysis:

  • All: View all pages, by default.  "All" Included the top pages (up to 10,000) throughout the entire analyzed time period. 

  • New: Discover pages that did not have pageviews in the previous month.

  • Trending: Identify pages that experienced a large increase in page views compared to the previous month.

  • Best Performing: Identify the pages that are consistent performers across the analyzed period.

    Note: Using the Best Performing filter will surface the pages that had the most monthly pageviews during each month of the analyzed time period.

  • Campaign (UTM): Campaigns identified by a URL parameter.

Key metrics & insights

  • URL: A list of domains, representing the site's pages.

  • Share: The percentage of pageviews of this URL, compared to the total pageviews for the site.

  • Change: The percentage change of total visits to the page, month over month.


Q: Does Popular Pages include Desktop and Mobile web data?

A: Yes, you can view Popular Pages data for Desktop or Mobile web!

Q: Why can’t I see some pages on a website that I know are popular / have high traffic?

A: Some websites have been known to include Personally Identifiable Information in URL strings, especially around ecommerce checkouts and account-related pages. To minimize the risk of revealing personal information in our data, we take a responsible view and exclude pages from Pages view that are marked as ‘noindex’ for search engines and do not appear in Google’s Search Engine Results Pages (SERP).

For more information on Similarweb’s commitment to privacy, visit Similarweb Data Methodology.

Q: The results I'm seeing in this report differ from other reports. Why is that?

A: The Popular Pages report is based on the top 10,000 pages per month by views. 

Q: How much historical data is available?

A: 24 months of historical data is available, potentially limited by the amount of historical data in your package. 

You can also view up to the L28 days of data.

Q: What methods of data consumption are available?

A: Excel export is fully supported. An API endpoint is also available.

Q: When I click on the “+” next to a URL, what does the list of URLs represent?

A: Grouped under the main URL, you will see different variants of that URL. These variants include URL parameters (e.g. UTM) that can give you insight into the source of a visit, or the filters applied.

Q: When I analyze the same page (e.g. in Popular Pages and Segment Analysis, why does the % share differ?

A: The % share metric in Popular Pages is based on Page Views, while Segment Share in Segment Analysis is based on Visits.

Feature Location

Try it now: Website Analysis > Enter a website to analyze and then go to Popular Pages.

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