Traffic Sources (Web Category)

Industry Analysis Marketing Channels provides a snapshot of the traffic channel distribution for the analyzed industry within the specified time-frame and country. The data is based on an index of the top 100 websites within the chosen category.

Traffic Share: Distribution of incoming traffic from each marketing channel for the selected category over the selected time period.

Traffic Volumes by Source: Volume of incoming traffic from each marketing channel for the selected category over the selected time period.

The marketing channels include:

  • Direct: Traffic sent from users that directly entered a URL into a browser saved bookmarks or any links from outside the browser (such as on Microsoft Word).

  • Mail: Traffic sent from web-based mail clients such as Gmail.

  • Referral: Traffic sent from one website to another, through a direct link. This kind of traffic includes affiliates, content partners, and traffic from direct media buying or news coverage.

  • Social: Traffic sent from social media sites such as Facebook or Reddit (organic and paid). Including direct media buying from Facebook

  • Organic Search: Traffic sent via organic (non-paid) results on search engines such as Google.

  • Paid Search: Traffic sent from paid search ads on a search engine such as Google.

  • Display Ad: Traffic sent from Display and Video ads via a known ad-serving platform (i.e. GDN, Doubleclick).

Detailed Listing:

The table shows a detailed list of the top traffic sources that drove traffic to the analyzed industry including:

  • Source Type: Traffic source for the selected category over the selected time period. Source Types include Direct, Mail, Referrals, Social, Search/Organic, Search/Paid, Display Ads, Email, and Other.

  • Category: Category best describing the traffic source domain.

  • Global Rank: Traffic rank of the website as compared to all other sites in the world (number one being the website with the most traffic in the world).

  • Traffic Share: Percentage of traffic sent to the chosen industry, from the selected domain. Only the top 1000 referrers are taken from each source and therefore the traffic share will not sum to 100 percent.

  • Change: Increase or decrease the percentage of traffic share from the past calendar month.

  • Adsense: Indicates whether the domain uses Google AdSense.


The table can be refined according to the traffic source category or channel to further understand the categories sending traffic by source type and the leaders by source type.

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