Find the top-performing paid search ads generated by a particular keyword and identify the sites gaining traffic from these ads. Keyword Search Ads delivers precise traffic estimates and detailed ad performance insights to help you outsmart the competition and inform your own paid search strategies.
What is the Value?
With the Keyword Explorer > Search Ads page, you can:
Understand the competitive landscape for any paid search keyword. Discover the top ads driving traffic to a keyword or group of keywords to better understand the competition, generate new ideas, and optimize your own ad campaigns
Click Estimates: see click estimates at ad and ad-keyword level
Understand what landing pages are recieving traffic for the search or product ads
Understand what copy they are using in their paid search ads and use it to inform your strategy
How to use Search Ads:
To identify the top-performing Search and Product ads by keyword or keyword list, follow these steps:
Go to the Keyword Research module in Search Intelligence.
Within Keyword Exporer, click Search Ads.
Enter a keyword or select a keyword list and view the Text based Search ads or Product Ads.
View all ads driving paid traffic to those ads
Use Ad Title/URL include/exclude filters to refine the results table
When analyzing a list, expand the Keywords column to identify which keywords have been bid on for that ad on their SERP and the paid traffic generated by each keyword.
Key metrics & insights:
- Clicks: the estimated number of paid clicks generated by the search ad
- Change: the change between the chosen time period and the same preceding period.
Domains: The domain running the search ad
- Top position: the latest position of the search ad
Landing Page: Full URL of the domain getting traffic from the ad.
Keywords: Search keywords in which the advert appears on Google's Search Engine Results Pages (SERP)
Using the Filters
Using the filters, you are able to pinpoint the types of ads you want to analyze.
- Filter ad results by keywords within the Ad Title
- Filter ads that are only driving traffic to specific URLs
- Filter ads that are only related to a specific pre-defined industry.
Try it now! Search Ads module > Enter a keyword or keyword list.
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