If you have registered for a free Similarweb account, you can delete your account from the User Details page. 

  Note: Once your account is deleted, you will not be able to use that email address for another trial, and all reports and dashboards associated with the account will be permanently deleted. 

If you are a trial user or a paying Similarweb user and would like to cancel your subscription, visit How do I cancel my subscription? Otherwise, continue reading for steps to permanently delete your account

  1. Log into your Similarweb account.

  2. Go to Account Settings > User Details.

  3. Within the User Profile tab, click Delete Account.

  4. Read through the Delete Account pop-up box for information on what deleting your Similarweb account means. Then, select a reason for deleting your account and your desired account deletion settings.

  5. Click Delete Account.

    Your account will be deleted immediately and you will be redirected to the Similarweb Homepage. In addition, you will be unsubscribed from all emails from Similarweb. 

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