Advanced Search: Finding Potential Publishers

Learn how to generate a list of publishers you should go after using traffic criteria and how you can sort and prioritize your lead list. Using traffic data will help you focus your efforts on publishers that have a need for your services and a higher revenue potential.

Best filters to look for new publishers

Our Similarweb experts recommend using the following filters to identify relevant publishers:

Geography Settings: This filter will enable you to find publishers that are generating traffic from specific geographies if you want to focus on an audience from specific countries. Choose ‘Worldwide’ if you want publishers with global traffic coverage.


Website category Do you have a strong offering for certain categories? Choose from a wide range of Similarweb categories to focus your search on categories of your ideal prospects. Websites are categorized according to the topic being covered.


[Optional] Technologies used: Find publishers based on how they are currently monetizing their traffic. Focus on publishers that are working with your competitors.


Visits, Visitors & Total Pageviews: For extra focus, use monthly visits or page views.

Set the minimum/maximum number of website visits as a criterion, and focus your search on a specific tier of publishers.


Demographics: To focus on publishers that attract a certain audience, set the demographics accordingly. For example, search for websites that have an audience comprised of mostly women ages 18-24.


[Optional] Traffic Changes: Identify up-and-coming publishers by setting a year-over-year traffic increase filter.


Sort & Prioritize your leads

Once you created your list of prequalified leads, the next step is to plan your efforts and focus on the ones that are the most likely to convert, based on buying signals and opportunity size.

Our Similarweb experts recommend using the following metrics to sort your list and prioritize your efforts:

(1) Prioritizing leads according to increase in traffic: websites with an increase in traffic will need to monetize their growing audience. Also, a great opportunity for you to partner with them early on. Sort your list using the MoM/YoY Traffic Change columns.

(2) Website engagement - while visits can be a strong indication of the size of the opportunity, you want to make sure you’re partnering with reliable and quality traffic sources. Qualify and prioritize top publishers by sorting them according to visit duration, pages per visit, and bounce rate.

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