Set Up a Workspace to Benchmark Against a Set of Competitors

Similarweb Workspaces lets you customize your work environment based on the specific competitive landscape most relevant to you. Reduce time and streamline the discovery of important data and insights

  1. Choose Workspace from the left sidebar menu.

  2. Click the + next to Arenas to create a new workspace.

  3. Enter the primary website to include in the workspace. Set the country filters.

  4. Then, add up to four additional websites to include in the workspace arena. Click Create arena.

  5. The arena is created and displays three tabs of data and insights: Strategic Overview, Organic Search Overview, and Referrals Overview.

    • Strategic Overview: benchmark your client’s traffic and engagement metrics against the other sites in your Arena

      TIP: Benchmark all visits or only unbounced visits by selecting the check box. Looking at unbounced visits focuses the insights on the traffic that is more likely to lead to conversion as the visit takes in more than just the page the user landed on.

    • Organic Search Overview: Analyze the organic search traffic and discover the search wins, losses, and opportunities

    • Referrals Overview: compare the referral traffic and insights among the competitive set.

  6. Compare engagement stats for the sites in your Arena, including time on site, pages per visit, and bounce rate. This will enable you to understand your client’s position with regard to their competition and answer key questions for your client e.g., What is the gap between your client and their competitors?

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