Use the Competitive Traffic filters to discover keyword opportunities, keyword wins and losses, and highly competitive keywords. The filters are available on the Keyword and Keyword Phrases pages within the Competitive Analysis module.


What is the Value?

When conducting competitive analysis of search traffic, it's important to understand everything you can about the keywords driving traffic to your competitive set.

By applying the Competitive Traffic filter to a list of keywords or keyword phrases, Content Managers, Paid Search teams and SEO can gain insights to help them optimize keywords, landing pages, and site contents.

Competitive Traffic filter options:

  • Discover Keyword Opportunities: see the list of keywords driving traffic to your competitors but not to your site. Find opportunities to capture new traffic based.

  • Discover Keyword Losses: See the keywords you are pursuing but are losing to your competitors. Find opportunities to improve your existing strategy.

  • Keyword Wins: See the keywords driving the majority of traffic to your site compared to your competitors. Maintain or double down on the strategies that are working.

  • Highly Competitive Keywords: Monitor the keywords you and your competitors are trying to get traffic from. Consider upping efforts for keywords that are currently splitting traffic.

  • Create a custom competitive traffic filter: Use the custom filter to set and track a specific traffic share % distributions between competitors

How to use Competitive Traffic filters

With the competitive traffic filter, discover the opportunities, wins, and losses in keywords search traffic.

Tip: To effectively compare and capture keyword search traffic, compare similar-sized sites to surface keywords from your competitors that you can use to grow your market share.

  1. To begin, go to the Competitive Analysis module and enter the primary website. Click +Compare to add competitor sites.

  2. From the left navigation menu, go to the Keywords or Keyword Phrases page.

  3. The Keywords table has several filters to help derive a variety of insights. Choose a selection from the Competitive Traffic filter.

    TIP: Choose Custom Competitive Traffic Filter to set specific traffic parameters (%) and competitors.

  4. Click Apply.

Key insights

  • Keyword Opportunities

    Applying this filter shows a list of keywords driving traffic to your competitor's site, but to yours. The table lists non-branded keywords from which your website is receiving 0-1% traffic share.

    In this example, the table lists keywords driving traffic to Target and Costco, but not to Walmart. Walmart could start targeting the search term "gift ideas" to bring in new traffic, and grow traffic share.

  • Keyword_Opps.png
  • Keyword Losses

    Offers direct insight into the keywords you are pursuing to drive traffic to your website but are losing to your competitors. In the table, you'll see keywords your website is receiving 1-20% of traffic from, compared to the competitors you defined.

    In this example, you can see the keywords driving significantly more traffic to CNN than to the NY Times. The NY Times is pursuing these keywords, but not aggressively enough- and so they're losing this traffic to CNN.

  • Keyword Wins

    Helps you gain a bird's eye view of the keywords that drive traffic to your website. This means you own a certain segment of traffic. In the table, you'll see keywords your website is receiving 80-99% of traffic from, compared to the competitors you defined.

    In this example, you can see Zara owns most of the traffic coming "faux fur coat" and "puffer jacket". They should make sure to keep their traffic for these keywords and keep an eye out for any competitor trying to gain traffic share.

  • Highly Competitive Keywords

    Monitor the keywords you and your competitors are trying to get traffic from. In the table, you'll see the keywords all the analyzed websites are gaining significant traffic from.

    In the example below, you can see a full list of keywords (in this case, these represent mostly courses) that Coursera, EdX, and Udacity are gaining traffic from. If you're another online learning institution looking to break into this market, these are the keywords you should be creating content around.

  • Custom Competitive Traffic Filter

    If you want to track specific traffic share percentages, you can fine-tune the traffic share distribution amongst the analyzed websites and build your own competitive traffic filter.

    For example, Alibaba might have a specific use case in mind whereby they want to see the keywords bringing in some traffic (0-65% traffic share) to Alibaba but Aliexpress brings in more (65-99% traffic share). And it turns out, Alibaba Express is keyword sending more traffic to Ali Express!


Using the insights

If you're an SEO manager, use the filters to

  • Instantly conduct a competitive analysis for your search engine optimization and marketing efforts

  • Instantly view keywords that can bring in new traffic (Keyword Opportunities filter)

  • Understand where you're losing traffic to your competitors (Keyword Losses filter)

  • Develop keyword and topic lists with keywords to target

  • Monitor your share of voice (Keyword Wins filter)

  • Optimize the content on your website, marketing collateral (think video, social media, email marketing) and landing pages accordingly

If you're a PPC manager, use the filters to

  • Analyze competitors paid campaign strategies

  • Understand which keywords to bid on for maximum ROI (Keyword Opportunities filter)

  • Develop keyword and topic lists with keywords to target

  • Monitor your share of voice (Keyword Wins filter)

  • Optimize the copy on your landing pages

Feature Location

Marketing Intelligence > Competitive Analysis > Search > Keyword / Keyword Phrases

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