Signals on Similarweb's Stock Intelligence provide insight into company performance and growth, helping investors stay ahead of the market, monitor trends, and make well-informed decisions.
*The above button leads to the Amazon ticker.
Where to Find?
From the Stock Intelligence home page, you can search for your stock of interest and immediately start analyzing. Once the stock has loaded, scroll down to find its associated signal(s), which consist of the Score Card, Signal Highlight, and Backtested Models. For further exploration and analysis, click on Explore Signal. Please note that not all tickers will have the signals information.
Note: You can also search for individual stocks and their signals by selecting Stock Analysis under the Stocks dropdown menu.
What is the Value?
Ranking and High-Level Logic
Through the dedicated Score Card, you get instant access to critical performance metrics like R², Mean Absolute Error ("MAE"), and Beat-Miss score. Use the Signal Highlight for the significant insights derived from each signal and the methodology behind it.
With Index Construction, you can see how signals are created with indices, domains, weights, lags (if needed), and metrics.
Forecast Company Performance
This is where the magic happens! With our Backtested Model(s), you can quickly access key metrics and trends for upcoming financial quarter (FQ) performance, segmented by regions, populated by our Similarweb Index , the relevant signal, the compared Company's KPI, and consensus data (third-party market prediction assessment).
Note: The Similarweb Index provides a breakdown of the key attributes for the underlying index or indices that are used to create the curated Similarweb signal.
Going Deeper into Index Performance
With the Index overview, you get a detailed view of aggregated and individual Similarweb indices, displaying absolute values and YoY growth trends. You can explore metrics with intuitive visualizations for an at-a-glance understanding of company performance.
The Numbers and Stats
Use Reference data for a comprehensive view of the underlying data and metrics used to construct signals. You can download it for a more thorough analysis.
What's Hot, What's Not
Use the Acceleration-Deceleration tracker, a heatmap that monitors QoQ growth so that you can find upside or downside inflection points vs. consensus. The quarterly trend over time allows for a more clarified and intuitive POV when looking at our index, signal, and reported KPI performance over the last 5 years and provides an understanding of global trends, seasonalities, and competitive landscape.
Use the Directional Tracker to see trends over the last 12-13 quarters, comparing reported and Similarweb signals with precision.
Scatter Plot UI
The Signal Relationship links signals directly to KPIs with clarity and transparency.
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