In Sales Intelligence, you can easily select multiple countries at once by selecting a region. This new Regions filter allows you to pinpoint relevant leads within your team’s dedicated TAM, which will help you and your team find leads more efficiently.

What is the Value:

The Regions filter will allow you to save time by focusing only on leads within a desired territory. It will help you increase your win rate by targeting the most relevant companies. It also allows you to view aggregated traffic and engagement data at a regional level for smarter prospecting.

How to Find Them:

  1. Go to Search Websites and open the “Traffic & Engagement” tab.
  2. Select “Visits From” and choose your accessible regions to aggregate traffic from your target area.
  3. Save leads with the highest aggregated traffic from your region.

The Regions 

Below are the regions and the countries which they contain. When you select one of these regions, you are pulling visits from all of these countries combined. 



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