Every journey starts somewhere. For Web Category Analysis, that beginning is the Category Overview. This report provides you an ample amount of information around a pre-defined or custom industry in a simple and concise manner.  


Your Category Analysis Starter Pack

The goal of this report is to start you off on the right foot. The bundle of reports in the Category Overview gives you both an idea of how the category or industry is performing altogether, and also gives you insight into the performance of the top players. Use this report to answer questions such as...

  • Is the industry winning more traffic or losing momentum?
  • Which sites are most popular?
  • Which marketing channels are the biggest drivers of traffic to the industry?

  Important: This report analyzes the top 100 sites in the selected category.


Here's how to get there:

  1. Under Website Research, go to Web Category Analysis, and then select a category. Remember that you create a custom industry and analyze it in this module. Learn how to create a custom industry here. 

  2. Using the filters in the upper right, set the time period and type of traffic (desktop, mobile web, or all traffic) that you would like to analyze. Click on the YoY toggle if you'd like to do a time period comparison. You can select a Year -over-Year or Period-over-Period comparison.


First you'll be presented with a trend report, aggregating the sites in the industry's performance over various metrics: Monthly Visits, Unique Visitors, Visit Duration, Pages Per Visit, and Bounce Rate.

  PRO Tip: Whenever you see the plus button in the top right corner of a report module, that's your quick and easy way to add the report to a Dashboard. Learn more about building a Dashboard here.


If you've selected one of the time period comparison toggles, the report will appear as a line graph like the screenshot below. This highlights the growth or decline of the industry, and whether its trending upward or downward. 

Top Websites

This provides a glimpse into the top websites of the industry, as well as whether they have seen an increase or decrease in traffic in the most recent month analyzed. 

Device Distribution

This provides you the breakout between desktop and mobile web browsers. 

Break Down by Entity

See the traffic trend of the selected websites, benchmarking their gains and losses, and allowing you to monitor who to keep your eye on or analyze further for their marketing strategies. Toggle between daily, weekly, and monthly analysis to switch between short-term and long-term changes in visits.



Scroll down a bit to get a longer list of the top sites receiving traffic. You can also sort by the other metrics, explained below:


Engagement Insights
Traffic Insights
  • Total visits: Sum of all visits during the selected period

  • Top Websites: Top five websites for this industry, ranked by traffic share. For each ranked website, you'll find its month-over-month change in visits.

  • Device distribution: Percent of incoming traffic from desktop vs. mobile web

  • Top countries: Top five countries that send traffic to the industry



Q: Why don't the Unique Visitors for the whole industry equal the sum of the Unique Visitors of all the sites in this report?

A: The Unique Visitors total takes into account deduplication, which is when one user might visit multiple sites in the industry. So if a user visits both site A and site B, that would be just 1 user for the industry unique visitors. 



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