Personalized performance tracking on your website, on your competitors and on the most important market trends

Your Similarweb homepage is built to dynamically track your traffic share, benchmark performance against top competitors, and uncover key trends within your defined market.



What is the Value? 

Starting every analysis with high-level insights, this page is designed to be:

  • Your Go-To Place for Competitive Monitoring - Easily track your closest competitors and gain a comprehensive view of your competitive landscape.
  • Your Hub for Actionable Performance Tracking - Benchmark your performance across traffic and engagement metrics with weekly and monthly updates, empowering you to make informed, strategic decisions.
  • The AI-Powered Engine for Market Trends - Use our AI engine to automate your share of search and generate “Topics” that you and your competitors are competing on enabling you to catch trend waves as they evolve.

  Pro Tip: use this page weekly or monthly in conversations with leadership to show them your place compared to competition. 


Why should you use this?

Monitoring your performance and market dynamics has never been easier! Stay ahead week-over-week by benchmarking your performance against competitors on Traffic & engagement metrics, as well as the Topics you're optimizing for...and get weekly update emails to your inbox to keep you updated on any significant market or competitor shifts. 

The Homepage allows you to get started quickly and efficiently. It includes:

  • Intuitive Setup: Select your target website and add up to 25 competitors for comparison
  • Connect and track your Google Analytics data. This is valuable to see above the competitor information below to benchmark accordingly.
  • Traffic Share: Instant insights into yours and your competitive set’s performance, updated weekly
  • Topics: Monitor your site's share of voice for a group of keywords, the overall search volume for those terms, and the site leader.
  • Weekly Email Alerts: whether it’s new products launched, content published or any activity that boosts traffic share - get the insigts delivered straight to your inbox. 


Create a winning homepage by following these simple steps:

    • Define your core competitor set & add to homepage
    • Define keyword groups and use seed phrases to create Topics 
    • Click into your Topic and enrich the keyword group with relevant keywords 
    • Repeat for up to 20 topics. 
    • Setup your Weekly Email Alerts


Step 1

From the main menu, you’ll see Homepage.

Step 2
Simply input your primary website, select the country, then select the competitors you want to analyze against. Click the 'Finish' button and the report will generate in an instant.


  PRO Tip: Users can pick up to 25 competitors, the competitor sites chosen can be edited at any time by clicking on the settings icon (the gear icon) in the title bar up top. You can also select whether you want to see these insights by week or by month with the toggle on the homepage. 

Step 3.

Connect your analytics

Connect your Google Analytics or GA4 to show your performance metrics and website or app traffic. If you don’t use google analytics you can use Similarweb estimations to compare your website's performance against competitors.

We'll add additional 1st party connections during 2025!


  PRO Tip: Connect Similarweb data you can and also connect your GA4 and compare the data and enjoy having your actual data next to your competitors' performance, for benchmarking and reporting purposes. 

Step 4
After setting these up you will be able to see your data in the: “My Traffic Share” section.

Using the competitive landscape you set up, this provides insights into each domain’s traffic share, its WoW or MoM change in traffic share, and more.

  • Domain: the websites selected for the report.
  • Traffic Share: the percent of traffic each website has out of the selected competitive set.
  • WoW or MoM: week-over-week or month-over-month change in traffic share (this can be adjusted in the top of the page).
  • “My Changes”: the big boxes to the right are highlighting your target sites change over the respective times.


Step 5: 

Define Keyword groups and use seed phrases to create custom Topics

Using our AI engine, you can automate the build of business critical “Topics”, enabling you to catch trend waves around business areas that matter to you, as they evolve.


Simply select a topic, product group, brand, or anything that is important for you to stay on top of. This will automatically create a group of keywords relevant to your selection and provide you your site's share of voice, the overall search volume for the term, and the site leader.   


Homepage, topics creation.gif


  PRO Tip: Already have your keyword list? You can now copy and paste up to 200 keywords in bulk for a quicker setup! Also, the domains you choose will drive out the you should first ensure your closest-match competitors are chosen too. Once you have defined your Topics, then you should add in more general competition like bigger players in your market (e.g. Walmart or JC Penney) 


For quick edit access click on the three dots on the right and edit or remove keywords. This will open a list of all keywords for you to be able to decide which ones to remove from this list.


To further analyze the keywords and the topic, click on the topic itself and you’ll get redirected to “Keyword Lists”, there you can find more data that will help you choose the most appropriate keywords.


  PRO Tip: Check SERP players and add additional competitors to the Home Page list. 


Step 6. Repeat for up to 20 topics.

Example workflow:

  • Agree categorisation Hierarchy: Womens Bottoms→ Womens Pants, Dresses, Skirts, Shorts
  • Create Seedwords for each: ‘Womens Dresses’ ‘Midi Dresses’ ‘Womens Cargo pant’
  • Create ‘Do not include list’: ‘Mens Pants’ generic: Cargo pants , Shorts etc
  • Use Keyword generator to create keyword list (Full instructions on next slide)
  • Check the Competitor list (SERP players) and add remove keywords if required.


Step 7. Setup your Weekly Competitor Alerts Alerts

  • Once your homepage is set up, you can then also create Weekly Competitor Alert Emails. Get started with setting them up by clicking the Competitor Alerts Button in the top right of the homepage.

  • You'll then be prompted to subscribe to your Weekly Alert Email - click the 'Subscribe' button and you're done!
  • You can edit your email settings in the general Homepage settings (clicking on the gear icon)  where you can set the frequency between weekly or monthly or turn the alerts off. 

View the Benchmarking Report

One you've setup your homepage, you'll be able to access a full Benchmarking report on the competitors you've chosen. The Benchmarking report expands on the data provided in the new Homepage with additional insights such as your visits compared to the competitor average, audience reach, and engagement metrics. It’s available directly from the homepage or from the sidebar (once you have set up your homepage).



Removing your Homepage Settings

If you want to reset your homepage or remove all the parameters, then this is also easy. Simply click on the Settings icon and you'll see at the bottom of the Settings page you are given the option to 'Delete your Set'. 

By clicking this, you'll then be prompted if you're sure you want to delete the set - doing so will also remove any Topics that you've created on that specific homepage, so be sure that you want to continue with this process. 




Q: How many users or different projects can create custom homepages?
A: 10 different projects can be created across the board and users can navigate between projects.

Q: Are projects personal or shared across the account?
A: All projects are visible and shared with all account members

Q: Why am I seeing different shares in “SERP Players” vs. the homepage topics?
A: When looking into topics on the homepage users compare themselves to their competitors, unlike looking at SERP players when they will see the entire competitor landscape.

Q: How many competitors will I get alerts for?
A: Customers can receive alerts for up to 5 competitors, chosen by leading market share.

Q: Can I customize the start day for the Week-over-Week reporting? What's considered a week on Projects?
A: Unfortunately no, The Similarweb week is always Monday - Sunday.

Q: Is there an available endpoint to pull all this data through?
A: This view utilized existing and available data points, so all should be via API already. At the moment, there is no ability to pull the project summary.

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