A list of domains that are ranked based on Similarweb’s Website Rank algorithm. This rank algorithm is based on unique visitors and pageviews for the site, taking into account the domain’s volume and quality of traffic.

Top Websites takes into consideration the main domain and all of its subdomains. The list of domains is updated on a monthly basis. There are over 250 different website categories to filter by and can be viewed according to all traffic, desktop traffic, or mobile traffic.

Detailed Listings:

The table shows a detailed list of the top websites including:

  • Traffic Share: Percent of traffic sent to each domain.

  • Change Column: Shows the increase or decrease percentage of traffic share from the past calendar month.

  • Rank: Traffic rank of a site compared to all other sites in the world (#1 being the site with the most traffic in the world).

  • Monthly Visits: Sum of all visits (non-unique) per month.

  • Desktop vs. Mobile: Percent of incoming traffic from desktop vs. mobile web.

  • Visit Duration: Average time spent by the users on the website per visit.

  • Pages/Visit: Average website pages viewed per visit.

  • Bounce Rate: Percentage of visitors that viewed only one page on the website before exiting.

  • Adsense: Indicates whether the domain uses Google AdSense.

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