Rank is a website traffic scoring method developed by Similarweb to determine a website’s rank.


The website ranking is calculated based on a mix of our estimations of a site's monthly unique visitors and monthly pageviews across desktop and mobile web traffic. The higher this sum, the higher the site's rank.

We calculate the three ranking metrics you see on the platform - Global rank, Country rank, and Industry rank - based on estimations for the analyzed websites compared to three different groups of domains:

  1. Global Rank: all other domains.

  2. Country Rank: domains in the country from which the analyzed domain gets the most traffic.

  3. Industry Rank: domains in the same industry as the analyzed domain.

Note: The rank metric gets updated once our monthly data is released and then stays fixed for the duration of the month, regardless of the time frame being analyzed.


Use this metric to discover a website’s relative size globally, domestically, and within its industry.


Will connecting Google Analytics affect my site's ranking on Similarweb?

Rankings are based on Similarweb estimations, not Google Analytics data. Therefore, connecting a site's Google Analytics data to Similarweb will not affect the site's Similarweb rank.

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