To leverage Similarweb data investors can now build their own custom heatmaps from scratch or by using a template. 

What is the value? 

Custom heatmaps allow investors to monitor sectors, industries, or domains of interest, providing 4-week and 12-week visit averages and clear visual representations of growth and decline trends with 3 years of history. Heatmpas can then be shared with stakeholders across the company. This helps investors easily spot leading and lagging players and identify emerging market trends.

How to use Sector Analysis 

  1. Navigate to Similarweb Stock Intelligence > Sectors > Sector Heatmaps > Create new Heatmap 
  2. Follow the guide: 
    • Pick between building a heatmap from scratch or using a template
  3. Name your heatmap: This will appear on the main page as you can switch between Similarweb-created heatmaps and your own. 

      Note: You can hover over the step above and edit your preferences at each step 

  4. Customize heatmap: here you can start crafting your own heatmap. If you chose the option to build from scratch here you will need to name your sector and your industry and the assigned domains. You can search for a domain and add it from the drop-down suggested list. Once you start building your list you can head to the “Suggested domain” widget to add similar sites.     

      Tip: can’t find the domain you’re looking for? Search in your browser and copy the URL, data will be filled automatically. 

  5. For users using the custom template, the process is more seamless as the sectors, industries, and domain, all appear and you need to simply delete the ones you don’t want to follow by clicking the little trash can at the end of every row. Add and remove parameters to best fit your needs. 
  6. The last section is the regional edit, as a default we show the heatmap globally, if you would like to remove specific countries or recreate regions in the way that your organization then no problem! Simply click the little X mark next to a country to delete it or use the search box to look up another country.

Click “Create”, and you will be redirected to a page that notifies you of how many sectors, industries, and domains are included in your heatmap. You can find your customized heatmap in the dropdown menu on the heatmaps landing page. You can also decide if you want to make your heatmap “public” and share it with your team. 

Learn more on our blog - Web Traffic Heatmaps: Firing Up Sector Macro Trends


Q: How long is the heatmaps’ historical data?

A: 3 years of monthly and bi-weekly granularity, including YoY

Q: How often is the data refreshed?

A: Every 2 weeks. 

Q: What are the available metrics in the heatmap?

A: Total or Unique visits (all traffic)

Q: Is there a limit for creating new heatmaps?

A: No, there is currently no limit to how many heatmaps you can create

Q: Can I share my heat maps with other colleagues?

A: Yes, as view-only permission, under the same account, by checking the “Public team asset” checkbox on the Sectors heatmap page. 

Q: Can I edit/delete a custom heatmap?

A: Yes, only the ones created by the user can be edited from the Sectors heatmap page.

Q: Can I download the Excel file for the custom heatmap?

A: Yes, as is being done today with the default heatmap for all sectors and a specific sector. 

Q: What can be edited on the custom heatmaps?

A: Sectors, industries, domains, and countries including/ excluding in regions. 

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