In this article, you'll find answers to frequently asked questions about Contact Data in Similarweb's Sales Intelligence
What is the source of Contacts data?
Similarweb has partnered with leading 3rd party contact data vendors who provide the Contacts data offered in our Sales Intelligence solution. Our partners acquire the data from a variety of sources
What is your partners' collection methodology?
Our partners use multiple sources and data collection methodologies. This includes the collection of Contact data directly from publicly available sources. It also involves the collection of Contact information from the email contact books and the headers and signature blocks in emails that are received by users of our partners’ products. All data subjects about whom Contacts data is collected receive notices allowing them to opt-out and remove their data from the Contacts database.
What laws or regulations apply to the use of the Contacts data for direct marketing?
Most countries have laws and regulations in place governing the use of contact information and related personal data for sales and marketing purposes. In the EU, for example, most states have in place marketing regulations, generally based on Article 13 of the EU Directive on privacy and electronic communications (Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament). Different rules often apply to email and telephone marketing and should be confirmed in the countries where the marketing will take place.
Is Contacts data considered personal data?
Yes. Contacts data generally includes the names, business email addresses, and business phone numbers of individuals and is thus considered non-sensitive personal data.
Does a data processing agreement need to be put in place between customers and Similarweb in order to access and use Contacts data?
Yes. Our standard terms required for the licensing of our Contacts data include a data processing agreement for this purpose.
Is the Contacts data GDPR compliant?*
Yes. We only obtain Contacts data from leading suppliers who have established and confirmed that the data is sourced in compliance with GDPR requirements.
Is the Contacts data CCPA compliant?
Yes. We only obtain Contacts data from leading suppliers who have established and confirmed that the data is sourced in compliance with CCPA requirements.
Are there any restrictions or limitations on the countries in which the Contacts data may be accessed and used?
Yes. Contacts data may not be available for Named Users in certain jurisdictions. For a list of countries in which the Contacts data currently is available, see Contacts Data - Permitted Use Countries.
Note that this limitation refers to the countries in which we provide access to Contacts data by our customers’ Named Users, and not the countries in which the individuals appearing in the Contacts data are located.
What is the legal basis for collecting contacts data?
In the EU or other regions where a specific legal basis must be identified for the collection of personal data, the legal basis for the collection of our Contacts data is legitimate interest. Specifically, this is our partners’ legitimate interest in collecting and making the data available, and the legitimate interests of making the data available for the purpose of direct marketing and sales activities, and in light of the limited impact that its use has on an individual’s privacy.
Can people update their profiles/remove themselves from your Contacts database?
Yes. Our partners have processes in place whereby every data subject included in their databases is notified and given instructions for the updating or removal of their information from those databases.
*The GDPR lays out six legal bases of processing personal information, all of which are of equal standing. In order to lawfully process data under the GDPR, companies must utilize at least one of the six legal bases. One legal basis is the consent of the data subject. Another legal basis is the “legitimate interests” of the party(ies) processing the data, except where overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject. Similarweb and its data partner(s) rely upon the legitimate interest legal basis for the processing of data subject to the GDPR. |
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